its never too early to learn nothing in life is free

The husband and i ventured out for our bi-weekly purchase of food at our local grocery establishment last weekend.  I hate the trip and HATE spending a 1/3 of a paycheck on food.  This fine morning as we pulled up we saw we would have some unwanted obstacles this morning in the form of cute little girls in school uniforms holding manila envelops.  As we approached we saw them huddled in the corner and just as I thought we might skate through the adult in charge sends out her two cutest girls. Before we make it to the door they are crowding our knees and aside from kicking them I have no other option than to hesitate as they ask us to help their school out.  The husband and I mumble something about no cash and do a little dance around the pair.

Now, while we have all encountered the random pleas to buy our popcorn, cookies, wrapping paper, underwear…this morning was different.  This group of kids were from a private school in the area and they weren’t selling anything…nothing  They were really just asking for a handout.  And I get it…trust me…I know all the schools need help.  But here’s my problem with this instance. Their parents are paying (probably a pretty penny) for them to go to that school.  How is it that the school now needs help with paying for something?  And, how is it they just expect me to hand over a $5 or $10 and get nothing in return?  At least the girl scouts give us cookies (and an expanding waistline) in exchange for the cash and most schools offer up local discounts or books or something.  But these two little girls wanted me to just hand them some cash.

Im pretty sure thats just panhandling.  They are just using two super cute kids instead of a ‘my dog needs food’ sign.  I told the husband I should have asked them why i should feel obligated to hand them over cash when I myself was no longer employed.  He didnt think that was funny…and im pretty sure thats why im not allowed out alone.

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